Product: Face gel serum with lifting effect 90% snail slime

Face gel serum with lifting effect Italian product made in Italy 90% snail slime with our Italian certified natural slime.

Price (€): €25.00€30.00
Price Incoterms: EXWFOB Port
Minimum Order Qty: 5
Unit of Measurment: unit
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Contact Seller
Company Name masnail
Type of Market Industrial Market
Country Italy
Vat Number Cosenza
Contact Name Massimiliano De rose

Face gel serum with lifting effect Italian product made in Italy 90% snail slime with our Italian certified natural slime.

Siero viso gel con effetto lifting prodotto italiano realizzato in italia 90% bava di lumaca  con la nostra bava naturale certificata italiana.

Company Data
Legal Name: Lalumacabio
Trading Name: masnail
Registeration Date 2020-06-17
Type of company: GmbH/Ltd/ SARL /SL/SRL
Country: Italy
Type of Market: Industrial Market
Contact Person: Massimiliano De rose


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